Our story...

From its humble beginnings in a bedroom in mid-2017, our vision has remained the same. To empower adventurous individuals to 'Escape The Ordinary.' Recognizing a need for change in the industry around us, we’ve made it out goal to alway be different.

Fueled by creative minds and an adventurous spirit, our team is comprised of individuals who embody the culture that M.A.S represents. Over the years, M.A.S has grown to become one of Australia's most trusted fishing brands, standing as the first company in the country to successfully launch a vertically integrated fishing brand.

Every product is designed and tested at M.A.S headquarters in Tweed Heads, with integrity at the core of each creation. When you choose our products, you're not just making a purchase; you're becoming part of a journey marked by extensive product testing from our passionate team of fishermen. #EscapeTheOrdinary