5 Essentials Every Fisher Needs to Have in Their Tackle Bag

fishing boat in the ocean from missing at sea

A well-prepared fisher will surely end up having a fun and worthwhile fishing trip! Before you head out into the waters, you should first make sure that you have everything you need.

While the contents of your tackle box will depend on your preference and the type of fish you want to catch, every fisher should be equipped with the basic equipment.

To make your next fishing trip a success, don’t forget to include the following items in your tackle bag:

  • Extra Line

  • You should always have an extra line in your tackle box so that you can easily replace your fishing line when it gets tangled up or broken. Not every line will be suitable for every fishing trip: the fishing line you use will depend on where you’re fishing and what kind of fish you’re fishing for.

    Whether you’re going fishing in a lake or river, you’ll find a fishing line that’s suitable for every place. Fishing lines are now available in various materials and diameters. Some of the common fishing lines include:

    • Braided lines;
    • Fluorocarbon lines; and
    • Monofilament lines.

    For anglers just starting out, we recommend that you keep it simple—stick with a monofilament fishing line for now. Monofilament may be more visible than the other types, but it is durable, and has the stretch needed to reel in big fishes.

  • Extra Hooks

  • You should also remember to stock your tackle bag with extra hooks. The variety of shapes, sizes, colours, and weights available are designed for different fishes and conditions! 

    Make sure to stock your tackle bag with various hooks so that you can be prepared for catching any kind of fish.

  • Bobbers

  • Bobbers, or floaters, will let you know when you’ve gotten a bite from a fish so that you can reel your catch in. As their name implies, bobbers keep your hook and line on the surface of the water. 

    Red and white plastic bobbers are adequate, but you may want to stock up your tackle bag with slip bobbers, too. These bobbers may take longer to rig, but the effort is worth it, as they are versatile and let you slide them up and down your line.

  • Sinkers

  • Bobbers float while sinkers, on the other hand, sink. Since a hook and line can’t sink underwater on their own, sinkers are used to add weight, pulling your hook down into the water to get them to where the fish are biting. 

    You should keep extra sinkers in your tackle bag, as they can get lost to the waves and currents easily.

  • First Aid Kit

  • Fishing is a fun activity, but it is important to be mindful of the associated dangers. Anything can happen when you’re in the waters, and it is important to be prepared.

    Besides your tackle bag, you should also bring a first aid kit. This should include bandages, sterile pads, pain relievers, disinfecting liquids, antibiotic creams, and wire cutters.


    Fishing will only be fun when you have all of the tools and equipment you need. You can’t go fishing without a tackle bag in hand—if you don’t want to cut your fishing trip short, then you have to stock up with all of the fishing essentials.

    Once you have everything you need, you can look forward to reeling in as many fish as you can!

    Are you thinking of going fishing? Make sure to stock up on fishing equipment from Missing At Sea! As one of Australia’s most trusted fishing brands, our fantastic team makes sure that our products are created with integrity and passion.

    Shop for our range today for the best fishing equipment in Australia!

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